Explanation of absence
For those who don't know, my responsibilities at work changed in such a way, shortly after I began the prior essays, that I thought it prudent to hold off on future essays.
After some thought, I think I'm going to start up again. They'll be occasional columns and short essays, on whatever I feel like writing. Maybe one a week. It won't be like a typical blog. No short little dispatches with links. Writing. Thoughtful. On whatever I can write. You might like the topic. You might not. That's OK. It'll be there either way.
After some thought, I think I'm going to start up again. They'll be occasional columns and short essays, on whatever I feel like writing. Maybe one a week. It won't be like a typical blog. No short little dispatches with links. Writing. Thoughtful. On whatever I can write. You might like the topic. You might not. That's OK. It'll be there either way.